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Barn Owl Review 2: The Crossword Bamboozle

By Frank DePoole

Read Barn Owl Review 2 carefully. The answers to the clues are all in the issue.



4.   French existential writer
7.   Keeps him safe with a _______
8.   Stops the wind in Lamoni, Iowa
11. Day of the week you know you’re going to be friends with your one-legged neighbor
16. Place to catch fireflies in summer
18. Where notes are safely stitched
19. Sound that is something other than simple
23. The true carrier of sound
24. Candy to put in ex’s head
25. Neil Young song woman driving across Ohio is singing.
27. Place to hide money under
28. “the _____ of the coffee maker’s / sputter, woodpeckers trilling a delicate con legno?”
29. “My country was working / second shift on _____...”
30. Type of liqueur referred to in “Return as Black Currant”
33. The speaker’s wife in “deadlines” wants one
35. The virgin’s profession
38. Dog in “Dance School”
40. Poem with “little skeleton men”
41. Hometown of Barn Owl Review
43. Shawna’s father
44. Where the owl dies
45. Shortest piece in Barn Owl Review 2
46. The speaker of “Etiquette” begins building one in her throat
48. Contributor who wants to eat buckeyes
49. A person who does not like mashed potatoes

1.   Object in brother’s belly in “Human Error”
2.   Organ that gives out in “Sea Wall”
3.   Rodent found dead in the attic
5.   Season when plagues hit Western PA.
6.   Correct amount of time, in minutes, to be at a cocktail party
8.   “Plywood, shrimp boots, sandbags, and _____.”
9.   The second thing students lie about in “The Professor”
10. Kira’s homework
12. These make the imaginary cock cry
13. Habit which makes girls more likely to have sex
14. A non-habit forming drug
15. "the poem I started with you in a ______"
17. Type of sweater Edie bought Jorge
20. Type of meat rub to use if marriage is in trouble
21. Type of dog that grinds against a chain
22. Month that Shelly Kathleen Sikes went missing
26. Ability to be unseen
31. Contributor who mourned at William Henry Harrison’s grave
32. Contributor who slept in a Silo in Ohio
34. “I could feel _____/ biting my feet and I wanted / to sing along.”
36. “I read a lot of books about _____ for which I wish I had more time.”
37. Color of granite
39. “the tub fills / with _____”
42. Laughing Sal's destination
47. Type of bird in “Birdstorm”